Forever Together by Williams Jennifer J

Forever Together by Williams Jennifer J

Author:Williams, Jennifer J
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2023-10-13T00:00:00+00:00

Fortunately for me, the day goes by in a whirl of action and borderline chaos. Monica made sure I brought my AirPods, and I’m sure that was another tidbit Chase gave her. The signing convention was incredibly loud. Generally, I have difficulty in loud places. But sometimes, when it’s really loud, it almost becomes like white noise. I haven’t turned my phone back on all day, so I connected the AirPods to Monica’s phone. She put some classical music on for me that helped me to stay calm and focused.

I found out the event had actually been going on for a couple of days, but we only had passes to attend Saturday’s events. We were able to meet a handful of well-known Indie authors, as well as attend some author panels. The panel “how to write a believable sex scene” was clearly for my benefit. Victoria couldn’t stop giggling the entire time, which befuddled me. She has children, so obviously, she’s had sex. I found myself watching her for her reactions instead of listening to the authors. Monica told me not to worry. She recorded the panel, and she’d send it to me to watch again so I could take notes. I think I surprised both of them when I stood up to ask the panel a question, even more so than I surprised myself.

Honestly, without me even telling her, she knew I’d want to take notes and rewatch the panel. It makes me incredibly thankful that I reached out to her weeks ago to ask about a meeting, and even more thankful that she reached out to me months ago about being her editor.

After the last event of the day, we all pile in Monica’s car. I take off my glasses and rub the bridge of my nose.

“Have you ever thought about wearing contacts?” Monica asks. I slide my glasses back on so I can see her.

“I’ve tried them. I don’t like them. Even after developing the calluses on my eyelids, I could always feel them in,” I say, shuddering. “Plus my vision is pretty atrocious, so it makes it difficult to see close up. I’m incredibly nearsighted, but the contacts then make reading incredibly challenging.”

“You should look into that eye correction surgery,” Victoria comments. “Matt had it done, and he says he wishes he had done it sooner.”

I shudder again. “No one is going near my eyeballs with a scalpel.”

“It’s a scalpel? I thought it was a laser!” Monica says.

“It’s possible new techniques have been added to the procedure, but the research I did in my mid-twenties said it was a scalpel. And you’re awake during the procedure. No thank you.”

“Oh my God. Seriously? You’re awake and your eye is open while they do it? No, girl, no. Just no,” Monica says, shaking her head adamantly. Victoria chuckles in her seat while nodding in agreement.

“Are you guys set on going home?” Victoria asks. After the chaos of last night, I asked if we could return home this evening. My apartment is my safe space, and after a really traumatic panic attack, I crave normalcy.


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